Hangar Walkers is Back! – Superior Hearing

Hangar Walkers is Back!

 In Community

Hangar Walkers, brought to you by Superior Hearing, is back!


From October to May

Tuesdays: 2:30 – 3:30PM

Thursdays: 10:00 – 11:00AM


Contact Thunder Bay 55+ Centre for start and end dates or any schedule changes: (807) 684-3066

No Registration Required

Paid parking available


Since 2014, Superior Hearing Centre has proudly sponsored this in-door walking program for those aged 55+.

Every Tuesday and Thursday during select periods during the year, participants are able to avoid the cold and treacherous sidewalks outside and enjoy their walk in the comfort of the Hangar.

This walking time is provided free of charge, thanks to the financial support of Superior Hearing Centre.

Organized and facilitated by the City of Thunder Bay and numerous volunteers, this successful walking program allows older adults the freedom to walk in safe surroundings when our cold weather is at its worst. We look forward to continuing our support for this important program for years to come!

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